Package-level declarations


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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class CollectedData : Serializable

Represents non-payment data collected using collectData.

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The ConnectionConfiguration class contains configuration information for connecting to a reader.

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The possible reasons for which a Bluetooth or USB reader was disconnected.

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sealed interface DiscoveryConfiguration

The DiscoveryConfiguration contains configuration information relevant to the reader discovery process.

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Configuration for the user experience (UX) of the Tap to Pay screen. This configuration is only used for the local mobile reader to customize the appearance of the Tap to Pay screen. There are three main components to the configuration:

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PaymentIntent : Serializable

The PaymentIntent represents your intent to collect payment from a customer, tracking the lifecycle of the payment process through each step. Each PaymentIntent typically correlates with a single “cart” or customer session in your application.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
class Reader @JvmOverloads constructor(val deviceType: DeviceType = DeviceType.UNKNOWN, @Json(name = "location") locationRaw: ExpandableLocation? = null, var locationStatus: LocationStatus = UNKNOWN, id: String? = null, readerInfo: ReaderInfo? = null, val isSimulated: Boolean = false, @Json(name = "status") val networkStatus: Reader.NetworkStatus? = null, @Json(name = "serialNumber") rawSerialNumber: String? = null, val label: String? = null, deviceSwVersion: String? = null, val baseUrl: String? = null, val ipAddress: String? = null, val livemode: Boolean? = null, val bluetoothDevice: BluetoothDevice? = null, val usbDevice: UsbDevice? = null, location: Location? = null)

The Reader is a representation of a physical reader device.

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data class ReaderBatteryInfo(val batteryStatus: BatteryStatus, val batteryLevel: Float?, val isCharging: Boolean?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class SetupIntent : Serializable

A SetupIntent guides you through the process of setting up a customer's payment credentials for future payments.

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data class SimulatedCard

A SimulatedCard contains all information necessary to simulate the experience of paying with specific card brands / error conditions.

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data class SimulatorConfiguration(val update: SimulateReaderUpdate = UPDATE_AVAILABLE, val simulatedCard: SimulatedCard = SimulatedCard(DEFAULT_CARD_NUMBER), val simulatedTipAmount: Long? = null)

A configuration object that can be set on the main Terminal class. It's setting will dictate the behavior you see on your next connection to a simulated reader.

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class TerminalException @JvmOverloads constructor(val errorCode: TerminalException.TerminalErrorCode, val errorMessage: String, cause: Throwable? = null, val apiError: ApiError? = null) : Exception

A TerminalException represents an error thrown during SDK operations and will contain a TerminalErrorCode and an errorMessage to provide more specific details.